
Country : Madagascar

City: Antsirabe

Partner : Urban Community of Antsirabe (CUA/BE)

Number of beneficiaries : 14 770 direct beneficiaries, as well as members of the CUA/BE and the DREAH as indirect beneficiaries

Period of project : 2023-2024


Madagascar is an island state located off the coast of Mozambique. It is the fifth largest island in the world. The rate of access to drinking water is among the lowest in the world: only 54% of the population has basic access to drinking water.


Antsirabe is a city in the Highlands of Madagascar, capital of the Vakinankaratra region, in the center of the island. It is the third largest city in the country 170 kilometers south of Antananarivo. The heart of the city is connected to the public drinking water network, but not the fokontany. These very precarious periurban neighbourhoods are characterized by a lack of drinking water points and by permanent insalubrity causing sometimes fatal diseases (cholera, dengue fever, diarrhoea).


The Urban Commune of Antsirabe is the public institution in charge of water management and sanitation within the municipality of Antsirabe and its surrounding villages. Also a training center for technical managers in charge of the maintenance and monitoring of water installations (standpipes, fountains), it has been in partnership with the association Agir Ensemble since 2016 in the installation of Safe Water Cube fountains in villages that express the need.

Presentation of the project :

The project will consist in three components :

  • Training component : develop the skills of local agents and technicians who are able to manage small-scale networks
  • Drinking water component : improving access to drinking water in the municipality of Antsirabe
  • Sanitation and waste management component : strengthening waste collection in the fokontany
Madagascar _ SAFE WATER CUBE
Madagascar _ SAFE WATER CUBE
Madagascar _ SAFE WATER CUBE

Beneficiaries :

The direct beneficiaries of the action are :

  • the students recruited by the association Agir Ensemble
  • the agents of the technical services of the DREAH, JIRAMA, CUA/BE and PSEAU
  • The 14,000 inhabitants of the Fokontany neighbourhoods
  • The 750 adults whose awareness will be raised by the EAST association

Implementation :

The project is being carried out in two phases. A first phase of one year and according to the 3 components described above (training, drinking water, sanitation and waste management) allowing the inhabitants of Antsirabe autonomy and the establishment of a more prosperous environment.
At the end of the training, the trainees will be under contract with JIRAMA for a period of 6 months, after which they will be accompanied for 1 year to create their own private water management company. Allowing them to operate in small municipalities on the outskirts that do not have access to JIRAMA services.

Expected results :

  • Training : better management of water services and strengthening of the skills of the actual technical services
  • Drinking water : improving access, quality and quantity of drinking water; a s well as improving thebeneficiaries’ health and reducing waterbone diseases
  • Sanitation & Waste management : management and reinforcement of waste sorting and sustainable change in hygiene behaviour in cities and households

Global cost of the project :

40 400 €

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